Zombie and other undead things

La settimana scorsa cominciava  atornarmi l’ossessione ricorrente a capire cosa fosse del Cabinet del doctor Caligari ad affascinarmi tanto. Oggi mi torna in mente il mio innamoramento tardo adolescenziale per il corvo di J. O’Barr, e quasi contemporaneamente penso alla storia di Zombi di Magnus. Insomma, qualcosa non vuole morire e continua a restarmi in testa.

Last week it began to come back my recurring obsession to understand what iwas in the Cabinet of Doctor Caligari to fascinate me so much. Today I am reminded of my late teenage love affair for  J. O’Barr the crow and almost at the same time I think of the story of Magnus regarding Zombies. In short, something does not want to die and keeps being stuck in my head.

for now a swift sketch of the crow

the crow

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